Ex-Pats in Cabo Verde – the realities, their honest opinions and questions.

Anthony BlackSite still under construction but with all guns blazing for a fabulous 2025 in Cabo Verde.

Our hope is to attract many more visitors, investors and home makers to these beautiful Islands. Please would you help others who are considering moving here with your comments and honest opinions.

So… to the first BIG question:

Where do you think is the best place for ex-pats to make their new home in the beautiful Islands of Cabo Verde Have your say or ask a question below.

Many thanks, Anthony – antonio to my friends ๐Ÿ™‚

6 thoughts on “Ex-Pats in Cabo Verde – the realities, their honest opinions and questions.”

  1. Hola, I am Spanish and my husband English. We found you through your Spanish website. What we would like to know is: are there any bi-lingual speaking Schools in the Islands, and if so which has the best reputation for English being the second language, or possibly Spanish? This is the most important factor that will determine where we buy a home.

    Many thanks and good luck with your new site.

    1. Hola Julia, thank you. I am currently in Spain on a Farm that I am selling, and in some ways I am in the same boat as you. Still seeking the best! In my case not Schooling, but the best place to create business that helps others. Different story.

      There are several bi-lingual Schools, most in the Capital Praia, but elsewhere too. Most are private but not necessarily expensive.

      My kids are all adult now, so I have no personal experience of this. But what I will do is ask your same question in a separate blog to see what others say. It may take a while for replies, because this is brand new site. But I will also ask some friends and then reply to you privately.

      For now, the best advice I can give is to take your time. But… to also think about yourselves. What would you like for yourself and your husband? Your kids will leave home one day, secure in the knowledge that you gave them the best. Then itยดs your turn – what would that be for you? ๐Ÿ™‚

      Best wishes, Anthony.

  2. Thank you. I guess the best for us would be to remain in a community where our children were educated and made friends. Wherever they go after that, they would also have the security to come home anytime. You are a father of four, so you know how this works. Thanks for your help, it will be interesting to see what others say.

  3. I have asked several friends who know more about this than I do and I will copy their replies as they come in the new blog that I will create. If you give me permission I will share your email with them so that you can be in touch privately. Bear in mind that we often do not know people who will interact. We watch very carefully though. The thing to watch out for is people who have actual real-life experience about this.

  4. Thank you Rose, if you use the contact page on the site I will always be copied and we can put you both in direct private contact. For security and spam reasons we do not store personal data nor publish email addresses on this site.

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