This is a community and promotional website all about enhancing the welfare, enjoyment and prosperity of ex-pats, local and new businesses, visitors and friends, regardless of race, colour or creed. Cabo Verde (aka Cape Verde) is a multi-cultural, cosmopolitan and blossoming society.
Hi, I’m Anthony Black. I have been in the property business (on and off) for more than thirty years. My background also includes having owned two restaurants, the military, and the Charity sector where I was privileged to work with Princess Diana for ten years as a national director and envoy for one of her charities.
I am currently the team leader of an international property network which is based in Spain, UK, USA… and now Cabo Verde, where I hope to settle permanently this year. I have not yet decided where, which is also partly why I have set up a new blog asking for and giving advice – from you 🙂
We are not ourselves agents, we are independent, unbiased property consultants and service providers, working with an established network of agents, attorneys, notaries, architects, developers and financiers. As we have often said, we do not believe in “competition”, rather in our line of business we know the real benefits of cooperation.
In 2025 we aim to buy several properties in Cabo Verde to reform or to develop, and to encourage other investors to join us in as many other projects as possible. We would particularly like to increase the number of agencies, attorneys and notaries whom we “partner” with in Cabo Verde.
Thanks for looking. Have a great day 🙂
HQ´s: Extremadura | Andalucia – Estepona | Homes in Spain Network | Vamos a Casa | Cabo Verde (this site) | For investors