There is no question that Cabo Verde is developing very quickly…
2025 is a very good time to invest whilst prices remain relatively low and property readily available. We ourselves are investing in several developments. Fairly small scale to begin with, increasing in size as we grow and re-invest.
What we do:
We aim to provide a mix of affordable housing and competitively priced luxury homes that foster vibrant and inclusive environments. These…
- provide housing for young professionals and families that otherwise can not afford it.
- have a highly beneficial impact on local communities.
- bring investment to areas that need it.
- provide in-built care for the elderly.
- create jobs for local people.
- improve the environment and quality of life for all.
Prime examples of our proposals:
In addition to our own funds initially and that of our investors (“venture partners”), our projects become a source of self funding. These give a good ROI to investors, whilst also subsidising low-cost, but high quality homes.
Our record so far in seven projects shows an 8-20% return within 12-18 months.
For investment examples see our proposals as they are in Spain. (new tab)
We aim to replicate these in Cabo Verde from mid 2025 and beyond.
HQ´s: Extremadura | Andalucia – Estepona | Homes in Spain Network | Vamos a Casa | Cabo Verde (this site)